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Toy Soldier Collector Consuming Issues

Consuming Issues

A chance for readers to air their views on the magazine, and the hobby as a whole

Publish and be damned

I just thought I would respond to your ‘Final Word’ comments in the February/March edition of Toy Soldier Collector.

I agree 100% with you that you should not allow the PC brigade to dictate what they feel is acceptable in your magazine. These leftie communist do-gooders are responsible for much of what is wrong in modern British society.

What right have they got to decide what is good history and what is bad? Using their logic Saddam Hussein, The Taliban, Ghengiz Khan, Napoleon and many other people/groups should be banned too. I bet they are not asking for mass murderers like Stalin and items from the Communist regime to be banned as well, are they?

I just wish I had overheard their conversation with the writer at the London Show.

No, you stick to what you want to publish and disregard comments from narrow minded individuals. If your readers were really concerned about the inclusion of Nazi items in your magazine, I am sure they would complain to you.

Publish and be damned.


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