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Toy Soldier Collector A towering ambition

A towering ambition

One man’s dream to build his own castle, in 54mm scale of course

I might as well start with a confession, I have always toyed with the idea of living in a castle, but with limited financial means it will have to remain a dream, well until I win the lottery. As toy soldier collectors we are dreamers, we have to be by nature otherwise why do we dedicate a large chunk of our lives both sleeping and awake to our little plastic or lead friends? So I figured if I cannot get to achieve my ambition to reside within the sturdy confines of a stronghold of my own in the real world, then why not do the next best thing and make one in miniature. As usual talking and thinking are cheap, but to make anything worthwhile happen in this life we have to go that extra mile to put a plan into action.


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