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Toy Soldier Collector Drum & Flag Painted Plastic Figures

Drum & Flag Painted Plastic Figures

News item taken from 'Noticeboard'

Rupert Mitchell, of Drum & Flag, tells me that he is in the process of setting up another website to compliment his eBay presence. This is, which he aims to grow as an online shop selling hand painted 1/32 plastics. He is populating it with A Call to Arms sets initially, as he works his way through their entire set of releases. He recognises the difficulty of charging a price that reflects the time involved in the production, compared to what customers want to pay, always a bit of a balancing act. The sample painted figures he sent in to me are ACW Iron Brigade, and are nicely done. They are painted using Vallejo Game Color acrylic paints and cost £20.01 (why the odd 1p I have no idea!) for a set of 4, in other words £5 each.

Date Published Sat, 12/01/2007 - 18:52
Author: Mike Blake



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