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Toy Soldier Collector Scarlet and Gold - Christmas at Chelsea Barracks and Ceremony of the Keys

Scarlet and Gold - Christmas at Chelsea Barracks and Ceremony of the Keys

Review taken from 'New Releases Part 2'

As collectors, particularly here in the UK, many of us struggle with display space. As figures seem to be constantly improving in quality, they inherently appear to be growing in size with 1:30 scale now common place where 10 years ago there was only 1:32 scale. Thankfully Hampshire based company Scarlet and Gold are redressing this balance, along with a few other companies, by taking the scale of their figures down rather than up!

If you’ve not encountered SAG before the company specialises in the production of 30mm, rather than 54mm, figures and accessories and I was please to come across two very striking new dioramas on its tables at the December show. Until now many of the SAG figures have been your standard ceremonial types however now Richard White, the man behind the name, is branching out and producing some lovely little (no pun intended) self contained dioramas.

Neither set really needs any explanation as the names say it all, however I should mention that each diorama comes complete with working lights and that the ‘Christmas at Chelsea Barracks’ set was based on a postcard by artist Sean Bolan. The dioramas are £100 each and are currently only available direct from SAG.

Date Published Tue, 01/20/2009 - 09:33
Author: Andy Whittaker

Scarlet and Gold
Cavendish Road
Church Crookham
GU52 6PZ

Tel: 01252 622604


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