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Toy Soldier Collector Asset Miniatures Household Cavalry

Asset Miniatures Household Cavalry

Review taken from 'Casting Around'

I collected two new Household Cavalry figures from Anne and Colin Randall, of Asset Miniatures, at the London show in June. These are two of the promised officers. The bottom rear ends of the officers’ saddle cloths are rounded for the Lifeguards and pointed for the Blues and Royals. An additional distinguishing feature is the plume hanging below the head harness of the horse of the Blues and Royals officer.

So far so good, but then I noticed that both officer figures appeared to have onion shaped plumes on their helmets. Hang on a minute, didn’t I discover (Casting Around, Issue 16) that the Lifeguards have an onion shaped top to their plume while the Blues and Royals have a flat top and straight sides? Ah well, Colin has advised me, with the usual patience, that the officers’ plumes are of similar shape (although they’d still be white for the LGs and Red for the B&Rs), which is just another of the uniform idiosyncrasies to be found in the Household Cavalry. There is another fact I find fascinating but baffling, Lifeguards wear their helmet chain under the lower lip yet the Blues and Royals wear theirs on the chin. I have a lot to learn about all this!

However, never mind about these details, the most important thing to note is that these two new figures are every bit as good as the first three reviewed in issue 16 and, like them, will assemble quite easily (but be patient with those chains and the B&R hanging plume when attaching them to the head harness) and will reward careful painting. The saddle cloths will look splendid painted with care.

If you are a fan of the Household Cavalry and haven’t visited their website, I strongly recommend you take a look at There is lots of information on there and a bonus in the shape of excellent pictures of the Household Cavalry Pageant held in London in June this year, which I believe celebrated the opening of the new Household Cavalry Museum at Horse Guards, Whitehall. Further details on that at

Asset castings measure 54mm approx and these castings cost £13.50 each, plus P&P at 10% within the UK.

Date Published Mon, 10/01/2007 - 13:18
Author: Paul Stocker

Asset Miniatures
12 Norwood Drive
North Harrow
0208 868 0422


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