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Toy Soldier Collector Casting around June 2012

Casting around

June 2012
Paul Stocker looks at the latest castings to arrive on the market

Morgan Miniatures
The Foreign Legion at Camarón

I mentioned Gareth Morgan’s new Foreign Legion figures last time and I can now show the six new releases, an officer and five legionnaires, depicting the Legion’s legendary last stand.

In late 1861, Napoleon III of France sent an expeditionary force to invade Mexico following President Benito Juárez's suspension of interest payments to foreign countries earlier that year. For France, a friendly government in Mexico would provide an opportunity to expand trade into new markets and the access to the silver mined in Mexico would help finance France’s empire.

The Battle of Camarón took place on April 30, 1863 between a detachment of the French Foreign Legion and the Mexican army and is regarded by the Legion as a defining moment in its history. A small Legion patrol of sixty-two soldiers and three officers was attacked by a Mexican force and forced to make a defensive stand in the Hacienda Camarón near Veracruz, besieged by possibly two thousand infantry and cavalry. The conduct of the defence would define the Legions’ fighting spirit. When the last two surviving Legionnaires were asked to surrender, they insisted that Mexican soldiers allow them safe passage home with their arms and the body of their commanding officer. The Mexican commander responded, "What can I refuse to such men? No, these are not men, they are devils", and he agreed to their terms. French forces withdrew from Mexico in 1866.

The new releases are typically high quality castings, assembly only requires fixing the arms in place and the fit of parts is excellent. Castings cost £8.50 each (£24 each painted matt). UK recorded delivery P&P - £1.50 for the first figure, 60p for each subsequent figure; Europe - £2.50 for the first figure, £1.50 for each additional figure; Rest of the World - email for a quote to Gareth accepts payment via Paypal for overseas customers. Gareth tells me he will be expanding his depiction of French intervention in Mexico with Mexican Imperial and Republican troops in due course.


Gareth Morgan
60 Warnham Court Road
Carshalton Beeches


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