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Toy Soldier Collector Casting around March 2013

Casting around

March 2013
Paul Stocker looks at the latest castings to arrive on the market

All the King’s Men
ACW – Union and Confederate Infantry

I have been looking forward to featuring Ken Cliffe’s exciting new ACW range since I was given a preview last year and now at last the first figures, the infantry, are available. They have quite interesting origins because most of them were first manufactured in plastic in the USA by Classic Toy Soldiers. Ken obtained a license to make the figures in metal to appeal to his wargaming and collecting customers but several entirely original ATKM figures have been added as well along with some of the separate heads that are available for figures across the range.

The two basic infantry sets have troops firing and advancing/charging. All the bodies come headless and the separate heads have pegs to fit into sockets on the bodies. Some of the arms come separate with similar plugs and sockets. There are over a dozen different heads available and they are supplied randomly with the figure sets to provide as much variety as possible. The infantry sets are intended to serve for either Union or Confederacy. There was plenty of similarity between the uniforms of each side during the war and the gradual drift away from regulation dress as the war progressed blurred uniform distinctions even more.

The Firing Line set contains twelve other ranks in eight different poses, an officer and a colour bearer for $40. The Advancing set contains twelve other ranks in five different poses, an officer and colour bearer, also for $40. The officers and color bearers for the two sets are different and Ken is offering a range of flags to use, complete with separate finials and cords. The figure sets are unpainted but Ken offers a painting service, contact him for prices.

For orders up to $50, shipping costs are approximately $7 or less per set, assuming a Continental US customer (rates drop per set according to the size of the order). Contact Ken about costs to destinations outside of the USA.

Ken will be following up his infantry releases with cavalry and artillery and mounted generals and spare officers and I will be featuring these as they are released. There are more original castings amongst the cavalry and I have seen a preview of them and they look splendid. Horses are made by Toy Soldiers of San Diego and, like earlier cavalry releases, these will be in plastic to keep the mounted figures light.

All the King's Men Toy Soldiers LLC
2456 Hewatt Rd
Snellville, GA 30039
Tel: +1 770 978 1645


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