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Fantastic Plastics October 2013

Mike Blake reviews the latest plastic figures for collectors


As I said last time, Replicants released two new sets and a couple of ‘novelty’ figures at the Plastic Warrior show. We covered the splendid Culloden Scottish Highlanders and the Body Climbers last time, this time it is the turn of the knights.

Knight figures have always had a universal appeal and these will be no exception. There are four figures in this set, in excellent action poses which are certain to appeal to medieval period collectors and gamers. This is a period I confess I know very little about and so cannot comment on the accuracy of the clothing, weapons and armour, but knowing Peter Cole, the designer and sculptor, as I do I am confident they will be spot on.

Peter is well known for his desire (I nearly said obsession) with getting the period details right, but also for creating a real toy soldier, one that kids from 9 to 90 would want to pick up and play with. I reckon he has done just that here in spades.

I hesitate to try to describe them because I don’t know the technical terms. The first figure in the photos has a flat topped helm, shield slung on his back, and is turning and drawing his sword, a really nice compact but dynamic pose.

Next up is one taking an almighty swing with his sword right back over his head – if it connects with his opponent I can see his head coming off! This one’s shield is held to protect his body.

Number three has a helm like the first’s, but he is armed with a wicked looking mace, his last opponent’s broken sword at his feet, as he turns ready to take on the next man.

Finally comes an axeman, clad from head to toe in chainmail, striding forward to deliver another killing blow. The four of them make a nice little diorama when posed in pairs, making you wonder which one of the two will land the blow.

FP 14) The four figure set of Replicants’ Knights

All sales information from:
Steve Weston Toy Soldiers
14 Limburg Road
Canvey Island
Tel: 01268 680117


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