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Toy Soldier Collector Armies in Plastic - Colonial Gatling Gun

Armies in Plastic - Colonial Gatling Gun

Review taken from 'Fantastic Plastics'

What does every European Colonial army need to cow the revolting natives into submission? Artillery and Machine Guns, of course! Well, Tony Ciccarello of AIP has come up with the answer to this particular problem in 1:32 scale 54mm soft plastic figures.

First up is a British Royal Artillery Gatling Gun with five man crew. Manning these pieces was hot work and often the crews worked in ‘Shirt Sleeve Order’. This is how they are depicted in these sets. Cleverly the crew is of three gunners busy serving the gun, and two more with Martini Henry rifles ready to defend it if the enemy get too close. The poses of the men manning the gun are one, probably an NCO, with binoculars scanning the target, one cranking the firing handle and one with two drum magazines.

The crew all wear foreign service helmets with puggarees, but the latter can easily be trimmed off or the heads swapped for some without them from other AIP British figures. They also do not wear puttees or gaiters, making them suitable for conversion to other nations with head swaps to provide the appropriate headgear. The ‘defender’ figures in the sets can also be drafted into the line infantry, of course, to provide variations in shirt-sleeve order, if not required to be with the guns.

There are five sets, all the same except for the colour of the plastic crew: #5554 - Northwest Frontier 1882-1885, grey plastic; #5555 - Egypt & Sudan 1882-1885, red; #5556 Egypt & Sudan 1882-1898, dark blue; #5557 - Boer War 1899-1902, khaki and 5558 - Boxer Rebellion 1900, white.

Once again AIP have come up with some firsts in plastic, there never having been gun crews in shirt-sleeve order before as far as I am aware. I know they have plans for a number of new releases in 2010 and on into 2011, with additions to existing periods and some entirely new ones. Tony really does seem to be undaunted by the current financial doldrums, and determined to keep bringing exciting new sets to the hobby – and more power to his elbow! Next out will be sets of Royal Artillery 9pdr Field guns which I’ll be covering in next issue.

Date Published Tue, 07/27/2010 - 19:19
Author: Mike Blake

Armies In Plastic
The Toy Soldier Gallery
501 Main Street
Highland Falls
NY 10928

Tel: +1 845 446 6731

In the UK:
Steve Weston Toy Soldiers
14 Limburg Road
Canvey Island

Tel: 01268 680117


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