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Toy Soldier Collector Black Hawk Toy Soldiers ZAMA Rome versus Carthage 202 BC and Leibstandarte SS series
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Black Hawk Toy Soldiers

ZAMA Rome versus Carthage 202 BC and Leibstandarte SS series
Review taken from 'New Releases Part 1'

There have been three recent and interesting releases in Black Hawk’s 54mm ZAMA range. (This covers the Second Punic War fought in the years 218–201 BC, also known as the Second Carthaginian War).

The Roman Hastatus (BH-0310) is advancing menacingly with leg armour on his leading, or fighting, leg. Other armour plates cover his chest and back. Hastati, were the well-trained front line of the army armed with sword, javelin and large shield.

I especially like the Liby-Phoenician Heavy Infantryman (BH-0311) for his aggressive pose, chain mail and facial expression. In 54mm it’s no mean feat to get good teeth and the interior of the mouth so well detailed. Finally, the Roman Triarius (BH-0312) is kneeling watchfully. Triarii were among the wealthiest men in the army, thus the equipment on show like the heavy armour, and were usually employed in the third battle line.

We began our coverage of Black Hawk’s Leibstandarte SS range (Hitler’s personal bodyguard regiment) in Issue 27 where we featured the impressive Führer’s Parade Car (BH-0401) which I hear is selling well. The range now continues with four equally impressive goose-stepping parade figures.

With our eyes accustomed to 60mm figures it’s a shock seeing a true 54mm series like this – the first 54mm Leibstandarte SS range released in matt I think – as they seem petite in comparison to similar figures like those by King & Country.

That said, these are fine and distinctive figures with the eye-catching standard and flag bearers as the stand-out pair. The painting of the flags is excellent and the slim figures have a fine length of limb, shiny boots and in a large display will look most impressive. No doubt those who collect this kind of range will want to buy multiples of the soldier and officer to swell the ranks and I would like to see Black Hawk anticipate that and offer a tempting multiple price.

On the way is a standing, ten instrument Leibstandarte SS band which will look really good as these soldiers goose-step by it and, hopefully, other additions will follow. Another marching officer or two wouldn’t go amiss and other vehicles would be good too.

Not everyone’s cup of tea to be sure but classy figures in a growing range that will find a ready market. Samples kindly supplied by Maison Militaire. The prices quoted are approximate so please check before purchasing.

Date Published Wed, 07/29/2009 - 12:08
Author: Rob Hendrie

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